The master phishing tool blackeye is one of the most best phishing clone in github. Let me start with what is phishing ... It is a software used by professional hackers to easily catch your username and passwords of some widely used social media and entertainmenet websites. But how? they create a webpage very similar to the original website and send it to you anonymously.As they look similar you get misleaded and login on the page sent by the hacker giving out your username and password to the hacker. This fooling technique is called " phishing ". You can easily install the blackeye program by cloning it from the github repositories. All you have to do is: give sudo access to your terminal. the "git" installed on your terminal. type in "git clone ". geet the clone installed. type in "cd blackeye-im" to open the cloned git blackeye directory. then type "bash" to run the black...
THE RELEARNING RACE It's really hard to relearn what we unlearn... but sometimes, the force which let us down always aligns us up at the right times. I started to relearn all my cyber security assets and I just took my first step and installed kali linux in my pc. It's not really great but every wonder starts just by a scratch. I believe in myself for my passion and so do I tell you. Here's the youtube video explaining from sratch how to install kali linux. The links to download virtual box and kali linux are given in the video description.
Ever wondered where all the unnumbered messages come from? Hold your Horses... I'm gonna show you how. The sms services uses a similar type of software which sends messages to over thousands of users to promote it's new plans and offers. With this Anon-sms the phishing technique is gonna seem very legit and easy for us to do. This software allows us to send anonymous custom message to any number, But there is a limitation. You can only send 1 message per day, So use it wisely. This is the link to Anon-sms. clone it and open the directory, run the bash file and you're up to do some mischief.
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